Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Mothers Day

We celebrated Mother's day early this year. The whole family headed to Zermatt resort in Midway for brunch on mom's request. Yummy!

RJ and Dad

Rick and I

Bryan and Shaurelle
Alysen and Danny

Lauren, Rene and Andre

As you can see Bailee,Whitney and Brinlee loved to get down right dirty in the chocolate foutain!

And Brax too!


Jamie said...

So why wasn't I invited! Your family is So cute! Sounds like you had a fun little Mother's Day get together!

Good Job on your Blog!

Katie said...

Hey Alyse! Long time no talk! I found your blog through Alysen's who is on a couple of my friends blogs (tiff & Clay and Lance & Becky) Anyway I just wanted to say you are still super cute and I think that is awesome that you are doing triathalons! I have been wanting to get in shape and do one forever! You look awesome! My blog is private but you can e-mail me if you want to check it out and I can add you to the list! Hope you are doing good!!!

Shawn and Erica said...

ALYSE!! Hi!! How are you? Amanda told me that she worked with you! You look cute as always and like you're doing good! Do you love Amanda?